Tetradium ruticarpum

Tetradium ruticarpum



Tetradium ruticarpum, antiinflammatory effects, evodiamine, rutaecarpine, TCM


Tetradium ruticarpum, commonly known as Evodia fruit or Wu Zhu Yu in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), is a plant native to Asia, particularly China, Korea, and Japan. The plant is valued for its medicinal properties, primarily found in its almost ripe fruits. These fruits are small, reddish-brown, and known for their pungent, bitter taste. It has strong anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and digestive properties. It is also used to relieve headaches, and to manage abdominal pain. Some of the active compounds in T. ruticarpum are evodiamine and rutaecarpine, which have been studied for their potential anti-inflammatory effects. Tetradium ruticarpum remains an important component of traditional medicine practices, but as with many potent herbs, it should be used under the guidance of a knowledgeable practitioner to avoid adverse effects.



How to Cite

LiQi, Ormai, E., & Nagy, A. (2024). Tetradium ruticarpum: Tetradium ruticarpum. Pharmacognosy News, 19(70), 20–22. Retrieved from https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/farmakognoziai-hirek/article/view/7868



Chinese Medicinal Plants


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