Szabó Tündeszabo.tunde@pte.huOpen Journal Systems<p>.</p>Ранняя социалистическая модель государства и общества. Утопия Павла Пестеля в 1820-х гг.2024-06-25T14:29:41+02:00Дьёдь Бебешиslavvaria@pte.huАттила Колонтари<p><strong>An Early Socialist Model of State and Society. Pavel Pestel's Utopia in the 1820s.</strong> Pavel Pestel was an outstanding member of Decembrist movement, a leader of its radical wing, the Southern Society. The article offered to the readers' attention studies his main work, Russkaya Pravda (Russian Truth), where he outlined his concept of radical reorganisation of the Russian state. In addition, Pestel, as a convinced supporter of the republic, pays great attention to the future state system, describes in detail the organs of government, their subordination and powers. His system of views was a peculiar mixture of European liberal thinking and Russian imperial traditions. The means he proposed – violent seizure of power, liquidation of the imperial family, introduction of dictatorship and censorship, total surveillance of society – make him an early predecessor of the Bolsheviks.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 SlavVariaМифологический подтекст «мессианской» деятельности героя в трилогии «На ростанях» Я. Коласа2024-06-04T14:26:36+02:00Марина Михайловна Иоскевич<p><strong>The Mythological Implication of the “Messianic” Activity of the Hero in the Trilogy “At the Crossroads” by Ya. Kolas.</strong> The article reveals the mythological sequence of the main character’s functions in the trilogy “At the Crossroads” by Ya. Kolas, which is recognized as one of the most significant Belarusian literary works on revolutionary theme. The full realization of the presented functional sequence forms the mythological subtext of the “Messianic” activity of the hero, reinforced by biblical allusions and reminiscences at the explicit level of the literary text, which contributes to the introduction of the social myth of the need for revolutionary transformations into the reader’s consciousness.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 SlavVariaАвтор и рассказчик в книге Э. Лимонова «Мои живописцы»: маска или подлинное Я?2024-06-12T12:04:11+02:00Яна Яновна Пекарь<p><strong>Author and narrator in E. Limonov’s book «My Painters»: mask or true self?</strong> The article explores the creation of an original mask. This longstanding tradition is acquiring particular relevance at the present time, which is associated with the changed sociocultural situation. The mass reader, under the influence of extra-textual reality, has developed clip thinking, which has led to a very trivial interest of the reader in art. The audience's request to shorten and simplify meanings forces the author to hide his face behind a mask. Using the example of E. Limonov’s book “My Painters” it is shown how the practice of text construction is oriented towards a specific reader and correlates with the commercial specifics of the text. E. Limonov, reducing the historical value of famous paintings, rethinks the sublime world of art, presenting it to the reader as everyday life, filled with tangible elements of everyday life, while he does not take into account the symbolic meaning of works by artists of different times.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 SlavVariaКак понимаются заголовки новостей? К вопросу кликбейта2024-06-21T14:52:35+02:00Károly<p><strong>How to (re-)interpret titles of news? Case studies of clickbaits.</strong> The present paper investigates titles of Russian and Hungarian news items in pragmatic frameworks definitely emerging in recent years (FINKBEINER 2024). It shows a claim that the understanding of news headlines should proceed considering the texts themselves. What is more, the body of the text does inevitably figure as a necessary context for the understanding. A qualitative analysis of headlines recovers a wider spectrum of (re-)interpretation compared to the paper by V. Apresjan and A. Orlov (APRESJAN, ORLOV 2022). To illustrate the novelty of my approach, two examples taken from their paper are submitted to a thorough revision. (For other types of (re-)interpretation applied during my qualitative analysis of headlines, see BIBOK 2024.)</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 SlavVaria mađarskoga jezika u hrvatskom2024-06-18T11:19:09+02:00Lidija Bogović<p><strong>Traces of the Hungarian language in Croatian.</strong> Hungarianisms are words borrowed from the Hungarian language that have been integrated into the Croatian language throughout history due to the longlasting political and cultural connection between the Croatian and Hungarian people. This paper presents a selection of common hungarianisms in the Croatian language, which are linguistically analyzed at the levels of lexicology and word formation, and provides a comparison with their equivalents from the second half of the 19th century. Additionally, the paper reviews how certain hungarianisms have changed, adapted, or remained unchanged over time. Also, the equivalents that replaced or attempted to replace certain hungarianisms are analyzed in terms of word formation, demonstrating the utilization of the Croatian language’s word for-mation potential. This paper contributes to the understanding of the historical and sociolinguistic influences on the Croatian language and emphasizes the importance of lexicographic sources in studying linguistic borrowing.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 SlavVariaРазмышления по поводу языковой интерпретации при обучении студентов-русистов2024-06-04T11:58:45+02:00Ласло Ясаи<p><strong>Reflections on Linguistic Interpretation in the Teaching of Russian as a Foreign Language.</strong> The subject of this article is the different grammatical forms of verbal action that can create a synonymous relationship with another grammatical form of the verb. In the case of such grammatical synonymy, interpretative differences come to the forefront. The author aims to draw attention to the importance of such differences and present their features from the point of view of mode of expression. When analyzing the phenomenon of grammatical interpretation, the main emphasis is on the verbal categories of voice, aspect and tense. In addition, special attention is paid to the forms of verbal adverbs in comparison with the verbal predicate of the main action.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 SlavVariačešće pogreške u uporabi prijedloga hrvatskoga jezika kod izvornih govornika španjolskoga jezika2024-06-18T11:41:56+02:00Josipa Korljan Bešlić<p><strong>The most common mistakes in using prepositions in the Croatian language by native speakers of the Spanish language.</strong> Prepositions are an invariable type of word, but quite often used at the sentence level. The central question posed by this paper is what mistakes native speakers of Spanish, who are learning Croatian at beginner levels (A1 and A2), make when using Croatian prepositions, considering that Croatian and Spanish prepositions differ in usage. The mistakes were analyzed based on essay texts written in the Croatian Language for Foreigners course at the CEHAS program at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split. The errors were systematized according to prepositions and cases. In the final part of the paper, possibilities for eliminating and preventing this type of errors are outlined.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 SlavVaria Syntax and Semantics of Converbs in Modern Slavic Languages2024-06-04T10:42:14+02:00Lilla<p>The paper investigates the category of converbs in modern Slavic languages, a grammatical category exhibiting ongoing development. Converbs’ morphological, syntactic, and semantic properties are examined across various Slavic languages. By comparing their syntax, usage, and semantics, the study aims to identify connections between the current state of converbs and the typological features of each language. Contrary to the initial hypothesis, the analysis reveals that modern Slavic languages exhibit significant variation in the syntax and semantics of converbs, highlighting the ongoing evolution of this grammatical category within the Slavic language family.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 SlavVaria se to našao u čudnovatim zgodama: Hlapić ili Dikics?2024-07-22T11:46:58+02:00Timea Bockovacslavvaria@pte.huMorana<p><strong>Who found themselves in strange adventures: Hlapić or Dikics?</strong> This year is dedicated to Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, a renowned storyteller and internationally acclaimed children's writer, and one of the most translated Croatian authors. Born in 1874, her 150th birthday is celebrated this year. Brlić-Mažuranić wrote poetry, essays, diaries, collections of short stories, and poems for children. In 1913, she garnered significant attention from the literary audience with the publication of the children's novel "Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića." Her crowning achievement is considered to be the collection of short stories "Priče iz davnine" (Stories from the Past), published in 1916. This paper explores the author's literary reception in Hungary, with a primary focus on analyzing the translation of verbs in the novel "Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića." The results obtained will contribute to expanding knowledge about the translation techniques of Croatian-Hungarian texts and can be applied to the teaching unit of text processing.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 SlavVariaПравильное чтение новоперсидских слов в этимологическом словаре М. Фасмера2024-06-04T12:22:29+02:00Nahid Ebrahimi<p><strong>Correct reading of New Persian words in the etymological dictionary of M. Vasmer.</strong> The New Persian writing is based on the Arabic script. But in etymological dictionaries of the Russian language Persian examples are written in Latin letters. In scientific literature there are different systems of the socalled Romanization that can be divided into two groups: phonemic (transcription) and literal (transliteration). The report not only discusses their most important differences, but also draws attention to the benefits of knowing the details of Romanization referring to Max Vasmer’s dictionary examples. Vasmer mainly follows the phonemic principle, but there are many inconsistencies in the examples he cites.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 SlavVaria Evolution of OES ся: a Corpus Investigation2024-06-28T14:41:44+02:00Beáta Gyö<p>The present study focuses on the Old East Slavic reflexive pronominal enclitic ся. The research of the syntactic behaviour and historical evolution of this element thus far has been hindered by the vast amount of data. The application of corpus linguistics and statistical analysis, however, offer fresh avenues for understanding the complexities of this pronoun.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 SlavVariaПубликации Института славянской и балтийской филологии факультета гуманитарных наук университета имени Лоранда Этвеша (Будапешт) за период 2020–2023 гг.2024-04-04T10:59:48+02:00Nyina Mágocsislavvaria@pte.hu2024-12-13T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 SlavVaria Companion to Juri Lotman. A Semiotic Theory of Culture2024-06-25T14:39:07+02:00Тюнде Сабо slavvaria@pte.hu2024-12-13T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 SlavVariaАнтропология в междисциплинарном измерении: о книге А.Г. Козинцева Язык – реальность – игра – смех (Антропологические фрагменты)2024-08-08T21:26:02+02:00Екатерина Вельмезоваslavvaria@pte.hu2024-12-13T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 SlavVaria