SlavVaria 2023-11-03T14:55:31+01:00 dr. Szabó Tünde Open Journal Systems <p>.</p> Pristup gramatičkim temama u hrvatskom kao inom jeziku 2023-11-02T10:51:03+01:00 Ivančica Banković-Mandić Katja Peruško <p><strong>An Approach to Grammar Topics in Croatian as a Foreign and Second Language.</strong> Second and foreign language teaching methodology includes several approaches to teaching grammar. There are two opposed approaches - one advocates explicit teaching (ANČIĆ 2004), and according to the other, students should not necessarily be explicitly taught grammar but can be exposed to an acceptable amount and type of texts, which is in line with certain theories of language acquisition (GITSAKI 1998). There is also the third approach which combines the previous two. It refers to an individual approach of (not) teaching and raising awareness of language knowledge depending on various factors and whether foreign or heritage speakers are being taught (HRŽICA 2006). In this paper, we will present some approaches to teaching grammar that achieve progress in all language skills despite avoiding explicit grammar teaching.</p> 2023-11-03T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Krležin Aretej, ili legenda o svetoj Ancili, rajskoj ptici u prijevodu Zoltána Csuke 2023-11-02T12:12:06+01:00 Timea Bockovac <p><strong>Krleža’s Aretej, or the Legend of Saint Ancilla, the Bird of Paradise, translated by Zoltán Csuka. </strong>The present paper discusses the description and analysis of Zoltán Csuka’s translation procedures in Krleža’s play Aretej, or the Legend of Saint Ancilla, the Bird of paradise. In the introductory part, there is an insight into the theoretical framework of translation given, with special reference to the challenges of artistic translation, which, in addition to the linguistic ones, also require intercultural competence. The paper also discusses Csuka’s promotional and Krleža’s literary activities. In the central part of the text, there is an example analyzed at the semantic level with the aim of determining the quality of the resulting translation, the literary text entitled Aretaeus, avagy legenda Szent Ancilláról, a mennyei madárról.</p> 2023-11-03T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Функціювання повних і коротких форм інфінітива в поезії Миколи Бажана 2023-11-02T12:22:13+01:00 Василь Вiкторович Денисюк <p><strong>Functioning of full and short forms of the infinitive in the poetry by Mykola Bazhan</strong>. The article analyzes the poems of the Ukrainian poet of the 20<sup>th</sup> c. Mykola Bazhan in the aspect of the functioning of infinitive forms. It was concluded that the artist prefers full forms of the infinitive, which, like short ones, in contexts realize one or another stylistic function, but, unlike short ones, they can also be neutral textual units. The short form implements the author’s imperative, it is a sign of expression, clarity, categoricalness, imperativeness. A significant number of uses of the short form is determined by rhyme.</p> 2023-11-03T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Фраземи со компонента мачка/мачор во македонскиот и во рускиот язик 2023-11-02T12:40:11+01:00 Биљана Мирчевска-Бошева <p><strong>Phrasemes with a component cat in Macedonian and Russian languages.</strong> This paper aim is to analyse the phrasemes in the Macedonian and Russian languages that contain the zoonymic component cat. The exceptional importance and presence of the cat in human life has led to numerous associations related to it, as well as numerous phrasemes. The purpose of this paper is to perceive the associations represented in the phrasemes, as well as to perceive the differences and similarities in this segment of the phraseological fund of the two languages.</p> 2023-11-03T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 «Живешь только дважды»: Временные особенности Закарпатской области на примере венгерских элементов 2023-11-02T14:49:58+01:00 Володимир Шилов <p><strong>“You only live twice”: Time features of the Transcarpathian region on the example of Hungarian elements</strong>. This work was done as part of the analysis of the linguistic landscape of the Transcarpathian region in Ukraine. The local population can use two time zones at the same time – Eastern European (UTC +2, the only official time in Ukraine) and Central European (UTC +1, the official time in some countries neighboring Transcarpathia, such as Hungary, Slovakia and Poland). Most often, the Central European zone (UTC +1) appears on the Hungarian street inscriptions in Transcarpathia. Therefore, it makes sense to conduct a diachronic study of the use of these elements separately from other languages (Ukrainian, Russian, Slovak, etc.).</p> 2023-11-03T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Osvrt na djelo: Tihomir Vujičić: Muzičke tradicije Južnih Slovena u Mađarskoj 2023-11-02T16:07:35+01:00 Andor Vegh <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2023-11-03T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Književnoteorijski smeč u krležologiji: Krležine pokretne i nepokretne slike Istvána Lukácsa 2023-11-02T16:15:00+01:00 Vjekoslav Blazsetin <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2023-11-03T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Рассказ А.П. Чехова «Студент» и рефлексия венгерского писателя Деже Костоланьи в очерке «Tavaszi gyász» («Весенний траур») 2023-11-01T13:03:22+01:00 Ильдико Регеци <p><strong>Chekhov</strong>’<strong>s Short Story “The Student” and Dezső Kosztolányi</strong>’<strong>s Reflection: the Feuilleton Titled “Spring Mourning”. </strong>Dezső Kosztolányi’s feuilleton titled Spring Mourning, written in 1909, undertakes to evoke a decisive feeling from the childhood of the writer: the atmosphere of sadness that pervades Good Friday. This piece of writing considers a childhood incident as an experience determining the adult personality, and the artistically drawn images in it come into contact with A.P. Chekhov’s 1894 short story “The Student.” Kosztolányi’s life experience depicted in the journalistic text becomes interpretable within the recipient’s horizon of the Russian writer’s short prose fiction but, at the same time, under the influence of Chekhov’s poetics and through the surplus of artistic textualization, the piece of writing not only concretizes the former incident, but also expands it and transforms it into a universal experience, opening the way for experiencing the mystery of Easter by an individual.</p> 2023-11-03T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Liquid Mirror (Transcending Aesthetic Utopianism in Nabokov’s Invitation to a Beheading and The Gift) 2023-11-01T18:30:19+01:00 Gyöngyi Mikola <p>Nabokov wrote his masterpiece <em>Invitation to a Beheading</em> interrupting his own work, writing another novel, <em>The Gift</em>. My hypothesis is that Invitation to a Beheading can be considered as a solution of a problem or elaboration of an idea, which was arisen during the creation of the other, the “main” book. In the present paper research I analyze the water motifs of the <em>Invitation..</em> and <em>The Gift </em>with close reading method to demonstrate the relationship of Nabokovian reader and/or writer heroes to the art of literature, and, besides, realization of self-mimetic, self-reflective potentialities of literature as specific liquid mirror in these novels. I collate the liquid mirror concept with the parodic representations of the utopianism of Russian aesthetic tradition, first of all with Nikolay Chernyshevsky’s materialist utopia. I also study the relevance of Nietzschean concept of aesthetic redemption in connection with Nabokovian novels, and I suggest a special, synchronous, simultaneous idea of this philosophical term: in my opinion Nabokovian aesthetic redemption is confined only to the duration of writing or reading. But this real, empirical time of literary process works as a gap, transforms to a secret passage, a way through to the unknown, timeless outside.</p> 2023-11-03T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Соцреалізм пастка для письменника або Євангеліє від Бейло Юнгера 2023-11-01T19:35:05+01:00 Михайло Бейлович Юнгер <p><strong>Social realism is a trap for the writer or the Gospel by Béla Junger.</strong> The article addresses with the issue that was especially relevant in the second half of the twentieth century in the Soviet Union. Namely, the influence of the only officially recognized creative method – socialist realism on creativity, and thus on human destiny, particularly, on the writer. Six dramatic works by B. Junger are analyzed. It’s determined, that the author’s consideration of the requirements of socialist realism has greatly influenced the stage fate of the plays. It is established that only liberation from the tenets of socialist realism made it possible to create a work that contributed to further developing the creative potential of the writer and the individual.</p> 2023-11-03T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Интертекстуальные отсылки в рассказе Л. Петрушевской «Новые Робинзоны» 2023-11-01T19:52:46+01:00 Laura Tóthová <p><strong>Intertextual references in the story <em>The New Robinson Crusoes</em> by L. Pet­ru­shevskaya. </strong>The article explores how L. Petrushevskaya uses intertextual codes in her works and how she contextualizes social phenomena in the story <em>New Robinsons</em>, in which three layers are distinguished: archetypal plots and archetypes, works of Russian literature of the 20th century and cultural imprints of specific historical events. On the first layer a deconstruction of D. Defoe’s novel Robinson Crusoe, on the second layer a parallel to Solzhenitsyn's novel “Matryonin Dvor”, on the third layer various important historical events, such as the Spanish Civil War as well as the entry of Soviet tanks into Vilnius in 1991.</p> 2023-11-03T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023