Kultúratudományi Szemle https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle <p>A <em>Kultúratudományi Szemle </em>(angol címe: Cultural Science Review) a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Kultúratudományi, Pedagógusképző és Vidékfejlesztési Kara gondozásában megjelenő tudományos folyóirat. A folyóirat kultúratudományi, pedagógiai, filozófiai, művelődés- és eszmetörténeti témájú cikkek, tanulmányok, vitaanyagok és könyvismertetések megjelentetésével kínál szakmai fórumot az egyetemes és magyar kultúra történetével, helyzetével, jövőjével, a napjainkat jellemző kulturális értékváltásokkal és a kortárs pedagógiai irányzatokkal foglalkozó kutatók számára.</p> Pécsi Tudományegyetem Kultúratudományi, Pedagógusképző és Vidékfejlesztési Kar hu-HU Kultúratudományi Szemle 2676-9158 Sikeres harmadik missziós tevékenység a PTE Kultúratudományi, Pedagógusképző és Vidékfejlesztési Karán https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7104 <p>Successful third mission activity at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development of UP</p> <p>The essential social functions are often unavailable to dwellers of small settlements. This is an especially pressing issue in those ageing micro-regions suffering from societal problems where the lack of private cars or the decreasing number of public transport connections will make a full life almost impossible. For these people, the only chance for decreasing the isolation is the village caretaker. Commissioned by the Baranya County Council, training of village and farm caretakers of Baranya and Somogy County was implemented at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development of the University of Pécs first in 2022 and then in 2023. The paper presents the experience of the training that was innovative in the University’s life.</p> Zoltán Koltai Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 5 4 116 122 10.15170/KSZ.2023.05.04.10 Mini-portrék az olasz és európai kultúráról https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7105 Tibor Szabó Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 5 4 123 125 10.15170/KSZ.2023.05.04.11 Történetekbe zárt elmék vagy médiumokba vetett túszok vagyunk? https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7106 Zita Kraszkó Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 5 4 126 130 10.15170/KSZ.2023.05.04.12 Posztkommunista vákuum, avagy a nemzet diskurzusának közép-kelet-európai vonatkozásai https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7096 <p>Post-communist vacuum or the discourse of the nation in CentralEastern Europe<br>The sociography of the Central and Eastern European region has been the subject of a very productive social science discourse in recent decades. In these writings, we see, for the most part, that various approaches to regional otherness have emerged from different disciplines, which seek the roots of this otherness primarily in differential national development and the socialist past. The following paper summarises these ideas and their critical reception in a broader sense of the region and a narrower sense<br>of Hungarian society.</p> Réka Szilárdi Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 5 4 7 14 10.15170/KSZ.2023.05.04.01 A vallási öntudat formálódása az Üdvhadsereg magyarországi alapításának példáján https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7097 <p>The formation of religious self-awareness on the example of the founding of the Salvation Army in Hungary&nbsp;<br>In this article, I would like to present the phenomenon of religious self-consciousness in the context of identity development. This is of central importance in our current era, characterised by a cultural struggle between different religions, because, according to my intention, it also underpins the need for permanent identity renewal – and, thus, religious self-image. In this article, I describe the dynamics of selfconfidence development within the interpretative framework of religious selfconfidence. I illustrate this as an example using the budding religious self-confidence of the Hungarian Salvation Army. However, the main focus of the article is not historical review. The components illustrated by the rich source material may also be important from the perspective of current challenges regarding religious selfconfidence development. Furthermore, I also hope that the content of this selfconfidence development can inspire all those looking for authentic role models on the way to their own search for identity. In this way, the Hungarian Salvation Army's religious self-awareness prototypes can help develop self-awareness in both the ecumenical and individual spheres.</p> Róbert Hecker-Réz Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 5 4 15 28 10.15170/KSZ.2023.05.04.02 Településetika és versenyképesség összefüggései, a lakhelyválasztási preferenciák etikai vonatkozásai https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7098 <p>Relationships between settlement ethics and competitiveness, ethical aspects of residential choice preferences</p> <p><br>In the modern social and economic environment, the competitiveness of settlements is highlighted due to the promotion of sustainable development and social well-being. People have always tended to live in such cities and towns where they perceive a better quality of life, more opportunities, and greater development potential, so they are becoming increasingly aware of the&nbsp; importance of sustainable lifestyles and community responsibility. Ethical and responsible management of a settlement and respectful treatment of people, animals and the environment can help its competitiveness in the long term. Success depends on several factors, such as the quality of infrastructure, economic activity, availability of educational and health facilities, cultural life, environmental sustainability, and trust and cohesion between individuals. Settlements built on such foundations can be more sustainable in the long term and more attractive to residents, investors and businesses. Decision-making, community responsibility and the promotion of sustainability will improve settlements' competitiveness and long-term prosperity. Among other things with bettering intentions, the task of the city administration is aimed at increasing the number of businesses that provide a decent living, as well as creating a well-kept and aesthetic natural and built environment, providing quality public services that are easily accessible to everyone, creating high-quality, attractive events, and spaces with a community function. By examining the competitive nature of human activities and actions and the underlying ethical, psychological and social dimensions of competitive and non-competitive cooperation, a multidisciplinary field emerges along which we can analyse the interrelations between human action, ethics, psychology and society in the context of competition and cooperation.</p> Zsuzsanna Slezák-Bartos Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 5 4 29 52 10.15170/KSZ.2023.05.04.03 Goethe és Schiller találkozása a filozófiában https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7099 <p>The meeting of Goethe and Schiller in philosophy</p> <p><br>Despite the fact that Plato did not consider poets to be explorers of truth, we find many examples of writers and poets being interested in philosophy and discussing questions of truth or morality in their literary works or studies. Likewise we know philosophers who have reflected on the truth manifested in art or literature, such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Richard Rorty or Donald Davidson. The legendary literary and philosophical friendship between Goethe and Schiller is well known in the history of literature, and their decisive intellectual relationship lasting eleven years. Their example clearly shows the influence of literature and philosophy on each other, their debate with each other, the tension or even harmony between them.</p> Réka Arató Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 5 4 53 61 10.15170/KSZ.2023.05.04.05 A whiteheadi metafizika megjelenése három fallácia fényében https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7100 <p>Whitehead and the method</p> <p><br>How can we interpret the emergence of Whitehead's metaphysical and cosmological project on the map of 20th-century&nbsp; philosophy after Kant's critical turn? How can this project be related to Whitehead's contemporary philosophical tendencies, such as the pragmatist movement that was developing in America? This paper assumes a fundamental link between the two questions, namely that it is necessary to clarify the methodological reflections that define their philosophies in interpreting Whitehead and the pragmatists, including William James. In Whitehead’s case, this also means that the goal of metaphysics and cosmology can only be understood as a systematic elaboration of the method. And for Whitehead, this constructing process (of the method) is the main task of speculative philosophy.</p> Ákos Herth Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 5 4 62 76 10.15170/KSZ.2023.05.04.06 Az infokommunikációs technológiai eszközök gyermeki beszédfejlődésre gyakorolt hatásai https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7101 <p>The effect of ICT on speech development for children</p> <p><br>The corpus of my research is the use of information and communication technologies and their effects on speech development. The aim was to investigate the relationship between using ICT tools and speech and language development. Based on the<br>literature reviewed, several studies emphasise the importance of discussing and examining the interaction between children's verbalisation and digitalisation in more detail. Research by Dávid et al. (2016) revealed that in the field of expressive speech<br>and verbal ability in independent composition, significantly better results were achieved by children who used ICT tools infrequently. Zemán's (2020) research also shows changes in phonological consciousness due to the effect of various tools.<br>Considering these, I applied two tools to conduct the study: an ICT usage questionnaire for parents and the so-called “Szól-e?” filtration process. A thorough analysis of the results revealed that a relatively low percentage of children in my study area interact with ICT tools before age two. Regarding control, parents with university degrees or higher education are more frequently in control of the use of devices. In analysing the results of the “Szól-e?” examination, I divided the children into two<br>groups. The first group uses television for over one hour, and the second group uses less than one hour. Based on these results, it was shown that the group with a lower usage rate achieved a better average on most subtests.</p> Nóra Murár Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 5 4 77 90 10.15170/KSZ.2023.05.04.07 Multidiszciplináris elektronikus tananyag készítése, használata mechanika témakörben – egy tehetséggondozó szakkör terve https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7102 <p>Creation and use of multidisciplinary, electronic teaching materials in the field of mechanics - a plan for a talent development course<br>My 2023 study on multidisciplinary digital learning materials in mechanics examined how to strengthen cross-curricular themes in physics, especially for study groups. I created a Multidisciplinary Physics Project for Talented Students, a method of talent<br>development I use as a primary school teacher. The 18-week course can be divided into three different parts. First is introduction and multidisciplinary lessons. On these occasions, the group summarises the laws learned in physics lessons, and after that, they examine everyday phenomena, artworks, inventions, and historical sources via physics and use their knowledge to understand how the learned facts appear in other fields and examples. The second part is inquiry-based learning, in which students choose one theme from the multidisciplinary stage and then research it individually. On the last of these lessons, they present their results to each other and their teachers (jury) on Talent Day. The last stage is for rewards, for example, school trips. In my study, based on that former one, I introduced the elements of these projects, the modules, the suggested themes and cross-curricular connections and the programme’s usage. In addition, I wrote about the first module (Modul A) that has already been constructed.</p> János Pipics Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 5 4 91 103 10.15170/KSZ.2023.05.04.08 Az első lépések https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7103 <p>The first steps<br>Chem on! What is your reaction? – The first results of testing a self-made board game</p> <p><br>In the current study, in response to the challenges of 21st-century education, we would like to present a possible solution, with the help of which we hope to positively influence students' attitudes towards chemistry in the long term. Those students who<br>are now sitting at the school desks already have a different attitude towards the various subjects and the acquisition of knowledge, so the teachers also have to resort to new pedagogical methods. Several domestic and international studies have shown that chemistry is one of the least popular subjects among students. In the focus of our research, we assessed the beneficial effect of the game, in a narrower sense, the board game and the possibility of its application with the help of a valuation study. Keeping in mind the pedagogical principles of the board game, we created our own chemistry board game to put the knowledge into a fun, playful form. The board game Chem is on! What is your reaction? Has a name. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, we assessed the opinions of the testing students and the teachers who taught them and sought an answer to whether board game pedagogy has a future in chemistry education. The obtained results supported our assumption that there is a need for this kind of reformation in the teaching-learning process. And the encouraging start confirmed that it is worth continuing the development of this innovative method.</p> Beatrix Szilágyi Zsófia Kocsis Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 5 4 104 115 10.15170/KSZ.2023.05.04.09