Kultúratudományi Szemle https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle <p>A <em>Kultúratudományi Szemle </em>(angol címe: Cultural Science Review) a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Kultúratudományi, Pedagógusképző és Vidékfejlesztési Kara gondozásában megjelenő tudományos folyóirat. A folyóirat kultúratudományi, pedagógiai, filozófiai, művelődés- és eszmetörténeti témájú cikkek, tanulmányok, vitaanyagok és könyvismertetések megjelentetésével kínál szakmai fórumot az egyetemes és magyar kultúra történetével, helyzetével, jövőjével, a napjainkat jellemző kulturális értékváltásokkal és a kortárs pedagógiai irányzatokkal foglalkozó kutatók számára.</p> Pécsi Tudományegyetem Kultúratudományi, Pedagógusképző és Vidékfejlesztési Kar hu-HU Kultúratudományi Szemle 2676-9158 Benedetto Croce és Ludwig Wittgenstein a filozófia megváltozott profiljáról https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7790 <p>Croce outlined a philosophical system consisting of only a few basic concepts, which formally generalizes the most basic traditions and expresses the most important values, but in terms of content includes the most up-to-date knowledge, which is<br>constantly renewed following social development. He considered the current task of philosophy to break with outdated,&nbsp; speculative metaphysical constructions, exclude pseudo-problems, and make problem discovery and problem solving the main task of knowledge acquisition, both in philosophy and in other forms of knowledge (science, everyday knowledge, etc.), consistently apply the method of historicity, since problems can only be solved by involving new true knowledge and evaluating it in relation to universality. Philosophy can be made meaningfully effective for life with this mode of operation - dialectically pragmatized. In this respect, Wittgenstein is the opposite of Croce, who tried to realize his largely similar aspiration - the foundation of a philosophy dealing only with the real - on different logical bases and narrowed down mainly to the philosophy of science. Croce tried to domesticate a philosophy with a broader theme, Wittgenstein tried to scientificize a reduced philosophy.</p> Márton Kaposi Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 6 1-2. 7 38 10.15170/KSZ.2024.06.01-02.01 Hit, ráció, interpretáció https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7791 <p>Stanley Fish, American literary theorist and legal scholar, often points out that there are affinities between religious faith and literary interpretation, but he does so from an anti-foundationalist perspective which is dispenses with any religious motivation<br>on his part. The study explores this particular aspect of Fish’s interpretive theory within the broader context of classical pragmatist and neo-pragmatist philosophy. Hence, the article first provides an overview of the pertinent philosophical insights of William James and Richard Rorty, who have made attempts at dissolving the dichotomy between belief and knowledge. Then, it goes on to analyze a debate that took place between Fish and Richard Neuhaus, a Catholic priest, in 1996, which aptly<br>exemplifies the (neo-)pragmatist endeavor to displace the faith/knowledge dichotomy. The article further examines Fish’s contention – based on the exegetical guidelines of Saint Augustine – to the effect that the epistemological foundation of<br>interpretive claims formulated in textual analysis is no stronger (or weaker) than that of religious tenets. The study advances the argument that despite Fish's intentions, this generalizing concept becomes the foundation of a meta-theory that is<br>incompatible with his anti-foundationalist persuasion.</p> Péter Csató Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 6 1-2. 39 52 10.15170/KSZ.2024.06.01-02.02 Első lépések egy alternatív tudatfelfogás felé https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7792 <p>First steps towards an alternative understanding of consciousness In some languages the distinction between mind and consciousness (and the synonymizing of the two) is not simply a matter of linguistic tradition and convention;<br>the difference between the two can be explored through metaphysical arguments on the one hand, and physicalist/neuroscientific approaches on the other (psychology cannot be neglected from general research but must be omitted for a purely philosophical approach). In this paper, I explore the difference between the two by supporting or refuting contemporary conceptions of consciousness with the help of Kantian transcendental theories and propose that consciousness is a static mental<br>structure that allows the use of conscious as an attribute when certain mental phenomena and actions find their place in the structure of consciousness. To this (in line with modular mind theories) I associate a physicalist proposal that brain<br>networks, neuronal groupings (not hierarchically) can form a network of “consciousness” through lending particular parts of their networks. Moving forward from there, I explore the possibilities for the emergence of self-consciousness and<br>propose that self-consciousness is a type of conscious mental actions and cannot be a mental structure. In this paper, I also analyze the debate on the unity of experience (the experiential part [Bayne and Chalmers] and the non-experiential part [Tye and Searle] views) and attempt to bridge the two views.</p> Alpaslan Ertüngealp Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 6 1-2. 53 68 10.15170/KSZ.2024.06.01-02.03 Individualitás és választás – útravalók a Whiteheadi folyamat-filozófia megértéséhez https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7793 <p>Individuality and decision – Guideposts for understanding the Whiteheadian process philosophy</p> <p><br>The aim of this paper is to explore the Whiteheadian process philosophy along the lines of individuality and decision. Three aspects of Whitehead's metaphysical system will be explored in this way. The first is Whitehead's individualist conception of<br>Whitehead organized around the subject-superject expression of Process and Reality, according to which reality is based on processes of individualization that presuppose both the subject's self-transcendence and the subject-superject's decision beyond itself. The second aspect introduces a relationalist perspective into the interpretation of reality, according to which individuals do not exist in themselves, their ontological positions being constituted by their relations with others. The third aspect adds an atomic theory to the interpretation: individualization is a pre-temporal, self-creative process of becoming, which is fulfilled in an individual as a reality-creating atomic creature.</p> Ákos Herth Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 6 1-2. 69 83 10.15170/KSZ.2024.06.01-02.04 Közösségi kommunikáció, szemlélet és attitűd https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7794 <p>Community communication, view and attitude: The identity of local communities in the life of settlements</p> <p><br>The identity of local communities and their identification with the place of residence have a significant impact on the development and sustainability of settlements. Forming and maintaining an individual identity is a basic need of an individual's life, which is often associated with a feeling that the individual is a member of a community or belongs somewhere. This cultural identity is not only important for the individual, but also contributes to the cultural richness of the settlement and strengthens its community-forming power. Community spirit strengthens cohesion and solidarity in settlements, participants and members identify with their local community, willing to cooperate to achieve common goals and support each other in difficult times. The<br>feeling of "belonging somewhere" helps individuals connect more closely to their residence, which can result a happier and more balanced life. Strong human relations improve the individual's quality of life and support the sustainable development of<br>settlements. The identity of local communities creates a complex relationship between the community and the settlement, which is an essential factor in the quality of life, stability and sustainability of the settlements. Strengthening identity helps<br>communities to strengthen themselves and develop in the future. An individual's emotional attachment to his place of residence affects its decisions, community participation and quality of life, so the understanding and supporting identity is essential in ensuring the development of urban communities. Research and measures in the fields of sociology, anthropology and urbanism help to create and strengthen a positive settlement identity; as well as they support the long-term planning of cities<br>and strategic implementations.</p> Zsuzsanna Slezák-Bartos Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 6 1-2. 84 102 10.15170/KSZ.2024.06.01-02.05 A kognitív metaforaelmélet alkalmazása az írói szótárak készítésében https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7795 <p>Using the cognitive metaphor theory in composing dictionaries of writers</p> <p><br>The hypothesis of the research was that cognitive linguistics, including cognitive metaphor theory, can be used as a new composing method of writers' dictionaries. The result of the thesis was a love dictionary constructed of the book, Szabadulogyakorlat written by Anna Szabo T. The theoretical background of the thesis was provided by an<br>overview of previous dictionary-making procedures which were supplemented as a new dictionary-making method by cognitive linguistics, with particular attention to the study of cognitive metaphor theory. Due to the cognitive approach, it became<br>essential to review women's literature as a conceptual category, as well as to present the nature of linguistic aggression, lyrical and/or prose language appearing in the volume. In order to create the most valid structure of the love dictionary, it was<br>necessary to deal in detail with Anna Szabo T.'s writing style, that is, to explore the relationship between her prose and lyrical voice. During the research, it was proven that the cognitive metaphor theory is a productive dictionary-making method,<br>because after selecting the 2 megametaphors and the 22 metaphors divided into 9 groups within them, a total of 110 linguistic mappings were found and 119 examples were collected for them.</p> Abigél Leskó Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 6 1-2. 103 130 10.15170/KSZ.2024.06.01-02.06 Fenntartható (lét)fejlődés, avagy egy új erkölcs hajnala? https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7796 <p>Sustainable development(of existence) or the dawn of a new morality? :Moral burdens along the lines of András Gelencsér's book "Ábrándok bűvöletében"</p> <p><br>Humanity's path to environmental disaster became clear in the second half of the 20th century. According to the information available at the time, it was high time to initiate and implement significant changes, not least at the global level, to avoid the<br>predictions of the less-than-ideal future. I intend to discuss all this in the spring of 2023, in the context of a paper written on an (obviously) electricity-powered computer, and also what moral duties and responsibilities we may have at the level of<br>the individual, the community, and humanity as a whole, and why. Where can our consumerist social behaviour, still most prevalent today, lead us? What are the other factors that play a role in the continuing exploitation of nature? But, without wishing to be exhaustive, I also highlight, through a few examples, the possibilities and good practices that we can find in our present day, which do not use the environment around us as a tool but try to live in a kind of symbiotic relationship with it. The subject is not new, but it is a huge one. The solutions proposed are not particularly revolutionary, but by adding new perspectives to the chemical engineer and air chemist András Gelencsér's sobering book, my study seeks to open up further<br>perspectives on environmental dilemmas, framed in terms of energy needs and available raw materials.</p> Beáta Laki Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 6 1-2. 131 139 10.15170/KSZ.2024.06.01-02.07 Narratív én és a halál megélése: filozófiai párhuzamok a kortárs irodalomban https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/kulturatudomanyi-szemle/article/view/7797 Zsolt Nemeskéri Copyright (c) 2024 Kultúratudományi Szemle 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 6 1-2. 140 141 10.15170/KSZ.2024.06.01-02.08