Acta Cultura et Paedagogicae 2024-05-21T15:09:24+02:00 Szécsi Gábor Open Journal Systems <p>Acta Cultura et Paedagogicae is an interdisciplinary journal which provides novel reflections on the processes leaded to the convergencies of social, cultural, and economic categories experienced nowadays. The primary objective of our journal is to fulfill the need for thorough discussion of research results in disciplines relevant to pedagogical, philosophical, psychological and technological aspects of culture and education, and to contribute towards the wide diffusion of scientifically sound contributions in this domain.</p> The Suggestive Magic of Van Gogh in Heidegger's Interpretation 2024-05-21T13:00:04+02:00 Szilvia Busku <p>The present paper brings to the fore the unforeseen fit and harmony of Heidegger's artwork with the world, and supports the above statement with relevant details. On the one hand, it touches on the Heideggerian conception that takes the interpretation of art in a different direction, making it clear by eliminating established notions of appearance, and on the other hand, it outlines how Heidegger interprets Van Gogh's painting A Pair of Shoes, which has become particularly famous because of the controversy surrounding it. I will present Heidegger's highly perceptive interpretation of the original peasant world through the lens of reviews by Frederic Jameson, Meyer Schapiro and Jacques Derrida.</p> 2024-05-21T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acta Cultura et Paedagogicae The Concept of Enculturation in a Multidisciplinary Approach 2024-05-21T13:12:52+02:00 Adél Vehrer <p>The forms of early education for children have remained essentially unchanged for centuries. In examining this, the observations of ancient philosophers coincide with the findings of 20th century social science research. The present paper reviews the terminology, definitions and interpretations of this early phase of education. The main key concepts discussed are inculcation (cultural integration), enculturation and socialization.</p> 2024-05-21T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acta Cultura et Paedagogicae Individual Approaches to the Philosophical Interpretation of Successful Settlements, Their Evaluation 2024-05-21T13:23:33+02:00 Zsuzsanna Slezák-Bartos <p>Settlements are complex systems that operate on the basis of many dimensions and aspects and the active participation of local communities, settlement leaders and residents is essential for successful development and ensuring a sustainable future<br>influencing the identity, power relations and community relations of the people living there. The task of local organizations is to help building the community and the support of local initiatives. Public services and infrastructure support the operation of<br>settlements and the quality of life of the population, while economic segments such as retail trade, industry and tourism have their highlighted importance in terms of economic development. Settlements are multifaceted entities that are defined not only<br>by residences, but also by community life, the economy, the environment and local institutions. Cities are centers of economic activity, where jobs are created, businesses operate and develop. The settlement philosophy can help to create economic structures that are diversified, resistant to crises and support local economic growth. So the importance of the ideas of settlement philosophy and their necessary exmination related to the fact that settlements are the scene of human life, such areas that are environmentally sustainable, socially just and economically prosperous. The leaders of the settlement, residents and local organizations must conduct an open dialogue and strive for cooperation in matters affecting the settlement, thereby ensuring the pursuit of sustainable economic, social and environmental development. The principles of transparency, responsibility, equality and integrity must be respected by all involved participants, but ethical thinking and value-oriented decisions can help the development of settlements and promoting the well-being of the community.</p> 2024-05-21T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acta Cultura et Paedagogicae Education for Sustainability through Gamification 2024-05-21T14:30:00+02:00 Fanni Dudok Eszter Pigniczki-Kovács <p>The study explores the intersection of sustainability education and gamification, focusing on the application of the "Green Walker" board game in educational settings. It addresses the role of educational institutions in sustainability education, methodological approaches to sustainability education, and the significance and efficacy of gamification in enhancing learning motivation and cognitive skills. The empirical research concentrates on the outcomes of implementing the "Zöld járőr" game in schools, examining its impact on students' sustainability consciousness and attitudes. The findings indicate that gamified educational tools significantly contribute to reinforcing sustainability knowledge and fostering environmentally responsible behaviours among students. The research underscores the importance of integrating sustainability education with gamification in education and highlights the potential benefits of game-based learning for developing sustainability competencies.</p> 2024-05-21T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acta Cultura et Paedagogicae Student-centered school, competency development and playful, experiential mathematics learning in Hungary 2024-05-21T14:39:31+02:00 Sándor Klein Julianna Kiss Zsolt Nemeskéri Iván Zádori <p>As colleagues of the Faculty of Culture, Education and Regional Development at the University of Pécs (Hungary), we have been striving for decades to ensure that teachers contribute as successfully as possible to the development of the most important <br>competencies of their students. In our thesis we highlighted three topics (each related to a renowned psychologist) we found important in our teacher training practice. Based on the work of Carl Rogers, the person-centered approach has influenced the mindset of helping professionals worldwide over the past sixty years. In the 80's we started spreading it from the Juhász Gyula Teacher Training College in Szeged, and than from the University of Pécs. John Raven's psychocybernetic approach points out that education is a complex system in which positive changes in one factor can be detrimental to overall performance due to complex interactions. When the University of Pécs awarded John Raven an honorary doctorate, it also wanted to show that we <br>want to build more on his work in teacher education. Zoltán Pál Dienes is considered the most exciting figure in playful, experiential, exploratory mathematics learning/teaching worldwide. In the last years of his life, he also became an honorary <br>doctor of the University of Pécs and we undertook to bring his mathematical games (learning aids) to Hungarian schools. We hope that the "Dienes method" will make everyone like this anxiety-inducing subject, which is still foreign to many students <br>today. The trends presented in this paper can help make our educational practice more child-centered and effective if we continue to make serious efforts.</p> 2024-05-21T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acta Cultura et Paedagogicae Social identity and narrative perspectives 2024-05-21T14:54:37+02:00 Réka Szilárdi <p>Balázs Kézdi, in his work entitled Identity and Culture (2001), draws attention to the fact that the concept of identity is ambiguous and overdetermined not only in social science discourse but also in psychology because the concepts of "self" and selfdefinition are often mixed up with the concepts of self-definition. Different theories emphasise different characteristics depending on whether the self is a personal or a social self-definition and whether the process of identification is interpreted as static or situational. Over the last few decades, the psychological literature on identity has increasingly emphasised the narrative nature of identity. This means that people form their interpretations of the world through narratives (including self-narratives), and these narratives are inseparable from the concept of self-determination (László, 2005). The following paper discusses the particular case of collective identity and significant group identification, including the issue of national identity and the role of collective memories. Accordingly, it focuses first on the psychological and cultural approach to the process of peer self-determination, followed by the group history and the resulting theoretical considerations.</p> 2024-05-21T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acta Cultura et Paedagogicae In the Labyrinth of Remembrance: Historical Thinking and the Pluralism of past-interpretation 2024-05-21T15:03:03+02:00 Tamás Szilágyi <p>The study explores the issues of European remembrance politics and common culture of remembrance, analysing the relationship between collective memory and historiography. It points out that history is a constructed narrative that serves political ends and that national identity is closely intertwined with the national image of history. The study takes stock of the dilemmas of a common remembrance policy at the European level: the divergence of national narratives and the question of a single European identity. Finally, presents the issues of European memory culture, from the Holocaust to EU integration and migration, and makes proposals for an unbiased, diverse and common European memory policy.</p> 2024-05-21T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acta Cultura et Paedagogicae